Preparing to go overseas I feel like there are so many loose ends to tie and things that need to be done... I need to get my shots (appointment tomorrow-- can't forget to go!); I need to make sure I have shoes to wear that won't be culturally offensive (ie: no flip-flops!); I need to buy some skirts that reach my ankles and get some lightweight shirts that cover my elbows; I need to make sure I pack my passport and eat yogurt every day to coat my stomach; I need to, I need to, I need to... I feel like every day my list gets longer and longer of things I should do, could do (listen to more Thai radio, research the culture more, learn conversational Thai...) and I am so thankful that God took the time to stop me. Amidst all my planning and preparing, (I heard someone on t.v. say, "I'm such a mess, I just move so fast no one notices--" & sometimes that's exactly how I feel.) last weekend He reminded me that He is the most important thing. Something that I know in my head, and acknowledge with my mouth-- but something that my busyness was not testifying to.
My realization came during the missions trip that the young adults/college group took to Philadelphia last weekend. As one of the leaders on the trip, I got really caught up in organizing and trying to plan out everything-- In my own effort, by my own wisdom. And after the first day I was exhausted, discouraged and felt like a complete failure. The next morning, after reading Colossians 1 and praying I felt like God said, "Are you done trying? Let me handle it now." And the second day was a totally different story. That's just how God is. He can handle all
So instead of frantically over-planning, and stressing out-- I am setting aside some extra time to pray and rest in Him. My prayer for Thailand (and my team) is not that all our ducks get placed in a row-- or even that we are able to figure out everything before we get there-- but that God would be God. That He would begin to work and move in the lives of the people that we will meet there (something I have absolutely no control over) and that He would use us as vessels to carry His Gospel to a hurting people who do not know Him. That the words we speak would be clear in carrying His Truth, and that He would encourage the Thai believers through us. Because really, what I say from my own mind and wisdom doesn't have the power to encourage, much less save anyone. Only Christ can do that-- and I am so grateful that He is letting me be a part of it.
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord [by grace, through faith, not of myself, as a gift from God, not of works...], continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Col 2:6-7